700 Club Interactive's Ashley Key and Terry Meeuwsen engage in a heartfelt conversation about the future of Orphan's Promise, detailing their plans for growth.Par The Christian Broadcasting Network
A heartbreaking story unfolds: a four-year-old bravely battles stage three cancer, its insidious spread a constant threat. The question hangs heavy: will hope prevail?Par The Christian Broadcasting Network
A single mom fights cancer in critical care. See how she is twice rescued by supernatural intervention on today's 700 Club Interactive.Par The Christian Broadcasting Network
A woman suffered with an elevated thyroid. Watch how she was instantly healed before her doctor's visit on today's 700 Club Interactive.Par The Christian Broadcasting Network
Mike Foster, a renowned best-selling author, speaker, and executive coach, will share insights from his book "The Seven Primal Questions," guiding individuals to forge powerful, resilient lives by harnessing their setbacks as strengths.Par The Christian Broadcasting Network
A struggling church transforms into the epicenter of a revival. Tune in to hear the astonishing prophecy that sparked a powerful move of God, only on today's 700 Club Interactive.Par The Christian Broadcasting Network
Cameron never questioned God's ability to perform miracles, but as years passed without healing for his body, he started to reflect on the deeper meaning of bearing the cross.Par The Christian Broadcasting Network
Facing a devastating diagnosis - a pregnancy with a mere 5% chance of survival to full term - Sara and her husband chose to place their trust in God.Par The Christian Broadcasting Network
Worship musician Kayla Berry shares about her journey from brokenness to healing and how it inspired her autobiographical worship anthem, "Who You Are To Me."Par The Christian Broadcasting Network
Singer/songwriter Kira Fontana's pursuit of worldly satisfaction left her searching for peace. Discover how her family led her to the one person who changed everything on today's 700 Club Interactive.Par The Christian Broadcasting Network