show episodes

Failles Sécu


Chaque mois
Retrouvez les épisodes de l'émission "Failles Sécu", l'adaptation en français de la fabuleuse émission culte Sécurity Now! de Steve Gibson et Léo Laporte. Ici on parle sans taboos de sécurité liées aux nouvelles technologies, de failles, et de leurs conséquences sur votre vie privée!
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How I Met America

Maïwen Coaching

Chaque mois+
The Maïwen Podcast is where a cool American English Coach who's totally into American culture (I'm all about that MTV generation) delves deep into the American scene. We're talkin' everything from Cancel Culture to Comic-Con to Late-night Shows, and I'm here to break it down for you, so you know what's goin' on ONLY IN AMERICA!
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Plan(s) B

Cyrus Farhangi

Chaque mois
Les entreprises de tous les secteurs d'activité sont concernées voire fragiles face aux limites planétaires et l'Anthropocène : Plan(s) B propose des interviews d'experts et de décideurs, ainsi que des exposés de son animateur (Cyrus Farhangi) pour tenter de démêler un peu tout ça. Vous pouvez soutenir notre démarche sur notre page Tipeee :
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Le podcast pour découvrir et comprendre les concepts et les technologies cloud natives ! Des interviews techniques hebdomadaires sur Kubernetes, les technologies cloud natives et la communauté open source.
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show series
Countries with better institutions are more prosperous. A truism perhaps, but then why are they so hard to build and sustain? That is the question that Simon Johnson has sought to explain since the fall of communism and the basis for the research that won him the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. Johnson, a former IMF chief economist, now a pr…
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L’interface est exposée! Shamelessplug Hackfest Swag Join Hackfest/La French Connection Discord Join Hackfest us on Mastodon Nouvelles Il y a 25 ans, le bogue de l’an 2000 PowerSchool a versé une rançon aux pirates pour obtenir la suppression des données volées DJI Update Geofencing System DJI drops geofencing system in US: Drone operators face ful…
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Brèves Non disponibles Thème de l'épisode Une entreprise aux États-Unis a été victime d'une intrusion dans son système informatique. Les pirates se sont infiltrés dans son réseau WiFi, en s'y connectant depuis les réseaux d'entreprises voisines. Voici le récit en français, tiré de l'enqûete menée par l'entreprise de cyber sécurité Volexity.. Courri…
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Santé Québec n’est pas en bonne santé Shamelessplug Hackfest Swag Join Hackfest/La French Connection Discord Join Hackfest us on Mastodon Nouvelles Fraude téléphonique- Industriel Alliance vous demande de ne pas dire ‘oui’ au téléphone! Attaque Montréal Nord - Aucune transparence Registration deadline for VPNs will be extended: PTA chairman German …
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As urbanization continues to grow worldwide, affordable housing is a rare commodity in many cities. Sao Paolo­, South America’s biggest city, has gained over 2 million new residents in the past decade alone. Elizabeth Johnson heads Brazil research at TS Lombard and has been studying Sao Paolo’s latest attempt at strengthening its housing strategy. …
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast where we break down the stories, traditions, and quirks that make American culture so fascinating. I’m your host, Maï, your trusty American English coach, here to guide you through the ins and outs of what makes the U.S. tick. Today’s episode is a special one, and it’s all about a celebration that’s de…
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While housing markets play a significant role in economies, new research shows houses across 40 countries are less affordable than at any time since the 2008 financial crisis. IMF economist Deniz Igan helped develop the Housing Affordability Index. In this podcast, she says the pandemic triggered an unusual sequence of events that housing markets a…
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast exploring the ins and outs of American culture, quirks, and everyday phenomena. I’m your host, Maï, your trusty American English coach and cultural guide, here to help you understand the little details that make American life so intriguing. Today, we’re tackling a term that you might have heard in TV s…
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Driving Change: Women-Led Development Economics from the Ground Up The International Economic Association’s Women in Leadership in Economics Initiative (IEA-WE) connects women economists worldwide and helps showcase their important empirical research, especially in developing countries. IMF Podcasts has partnered with the IEA-WE to produce a specia…
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Driving Change: Women-Led Development Economics from the Ground Up The International Economic Association’s Women in Leadership in Economics Initiative (IEA-WE) connects women economists worldwide and helps showcase their important empirical research, especially in developing countries. IMF Podcasts has partnered with the IEA-WE to produce a specia…
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Driving Change: Women-Led Development Economics from the Ground Up The International Economic Association’s Women in Leadership in Economics Initiative (IEA-WE) connects women economists worldwide and helps showcase their important empirical research, especially in developing countries. IMF Podcasts has partnered with the IEA-WE to produce a specia…
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast where we dive into the unique, sometimes quirky, and always interesting aspects of American culture. I’m your host, Maï, your go-to American English coach, here to explore the stories behind the trends, traditions, and cultural phenomena that make the U.S. such a fascinating place. Today’s topic might …
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast where we dig into all the quirky, fun, and downright fascinating traditions that make American culture what it is. I’m your host, Maï, your American English coach and cultural guide, here to serve up another slice of Americana. Today’s episode is a real treat – it’s all about one of the most unusual an…
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La guerre, la guerre, c’pas une raison pour se faire mal! Shamelessplug Hackfest Swag Join Hackfest/La French Connection Discord Join Hackfest us on Mastodon Nouvelles CLSC - Les fils réseaux qui pendent Dans l’embarras, l’Agence du revenu du Canada lance une « chasse aux sources » Cyberattaque au Cégep de Sorel-Tracy Cyberattaque à Viamonde : des …
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast where we break down all the fascinating bits of American culture, one episode at a time. I’m your host, Maï, your American English coach, and your guide through all things uniquely American. Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s as high-stakes as it gets – the protection of the President of the Unite…
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With sub-Saharan Africa soon to have one of the largest working-age populations in the world, removing barriers to business growth and encouraging higher productivity industries will help provide the employment opportunities it needs. But reforms don’t come easy. Wenjie Chen and Andrew Tiffin are economists in the IMF’s Africa Department and produc…
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast where we dig into all those little things that make American culture what it is. I’m your host, Maï, your go-to American English coach, and today, we’re diving into a topic that pops up every election season like clockwork – Political Yard Signs. You know the ones. They turn ordinary lawns into mini ba…
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Hackfest 2024, voyages et mois de la cybersécurité Shamelessplug Hackfest Swag Join Hackfest/La French Connection Discord Join Hackfest us on Mastodon Nouvelles Internet Archive: ça va pas ben ! Le comportement en ligne des Canadiens les expose aux cyberattaques Le Conseil scolaire Viamonde victime d’une cyberattaque ESET partner breached to send d…
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast where we break down all those American customs, traditions, and little-known facts that make you go, “Wait, what?!” I’m your host, Maï, your trusty American English coach, and today, we’re diving into one of the most intriguing, behind-the-scenes roles in American politics – the Designated Survivor.…
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Brèves Les pirates nous connaissent de mieux en mieux car ils ont accès à nos données personnelles. Thème de l'épisode La Corée du Nord tente de s'infiltrer dans les entreprises occidentales. L'entreprise américaine de formation en cyber-sécurité knowbe4 (erreur dans l'épisode, où l'on a évoqué known4be) a déjoué une attaque en 30 minutes. Voici se…
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Car hacking et travail à distance Shamelessplug Hackfest Swag Join Hackfest/La French Connection Discord Join Hackfest us on Mastodon Nouvelles GM Just Killed Its Program That Sold Your Data After Uproar Guest commentary: EV mandates threaten grid reliability, security CISA Finding: 90% of Initial Access to Critical Infrastructure Is Gained Via Ide…
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast where we dive into American culture, from the quirky to the iconic. I’m your host, Maï, your go-to American English coach, and today we’re talking about two of the most famous acronyms in the world of U.S. politics – POTUS and FLOTUS. That’s right, folks, we’re getting into what it means to be the Pres…
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast where we dig into the good, the bad, and the downright complicated parts of American culture. I’m your host, Maï, your go-to American English coach, and today, we’re diving into a topic that’s a little less glamorous but super important – Student Loans. That’s right, folks, we’re talking about that thi…
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Brèves Porte dérobée à l'intérieur d'une puce RFID utilisée massivement dans le monde et la publication du chercheur Philippe Teuwen de Quarkslab Matériel Cisco contrefait vendu en masse à l'armée Américaine Thème de l'épisode S'évader d'un grand modèle linguistique, vous en avez rếvé ? On le fait pour vous en direct dans cet épisode! Voici la publ…
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As inflation and interest rates continue to decline and the likelihood of a recession slowly fades, financial markets have seen big equity gains. But the latest Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) warns of several factors that could upend the recovery, including the apparent disconnect between market buoyancy and heightened uncertainty, especi…
  continue reading Shamelessplug POLAR Conference - 10 octobre Hackfest 2024 - 10-11-12 Oct - 16 bit edition Hackfest Swag Join Hackfest/La French Connection Discord Join Hackfest us on Mastodon Invités spéciaux Mina SHENOUDA Crew Patrick Mathieu Crédits Montage audio par Hackfest Communication Locaux virtuels par Streamyard…
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Droit à la déconnexion dans un monde connecté Nouvelles GM Just Killed Its Program That Sold Your Data After Uproar Guest commentary: EV mandates threaten grid reliability, security Bravo au MCN et Félix CISA Finding: 90% of Initial Access to Critical Infrastructure Is Gained Via Identity Compromise. What Can You Do About It? Airport offline L’arti…
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast where we dive into all those American traditions and moments that make you go, “So that’s why they do that!” I’m your host, Maï, your friendly American English coach, and today, we’re talking about a day filled with excitement, nerves, and probably way too many trips to Target – I’m talking about Movin…
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While 21st-century globalization and international trade dramatically changed how multinational corporations operate, the way they are taxed is largely based on early 20th-century thinking. Recent efforts by the OECD and the UN to modernize the international corporate tax system include a minimum corporate tax to make it more equitable. The IMF has…
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast where we break down all those quirky, iconic, and sometimes downright strange traditions that make America… well, America. I’m your host, Maï, your go-to American English coach, and today, we’re diving into a world that’s all about brotherhood, and sisterhood. That’s right – we’re talking fraternities …
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Welcome to “How I Met America,” the newly rebranded show formerly The Maïwen Podcast! Though our name and logo have changed, the content you love is still the same. We’re here to dig into those quirky American habits you’ve heard of but never really got—like why everyone says “you’ve been served” like it’s a big deal. That’s just one example of the…
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Welcome back to How I Met America, the podcast where we dig into all those American cultural gems that make you go, “Oh, that’s why they do that!” I’m your host, Maï, your go-to American English coach, and today, we’re diving into something sugary sweet and oh-so-American – the Sweet 16! That’s right, folks, we’re talking about the birthday bash th…
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Le côté lumineux de l’enseignement de la cybersécurité à l’université Shamelessplug POLAR Conference - 10 octobre Hackfest 2024 - 10-11-12 Oct - 16 bit edition Hackfest Swag Join Hackfest/La French Connection Discord Join Hackfest us on Mastodon Sujet d’opinion La qualité de l’enseignement des cours de cybersécurité à l’université La qualité des pr…
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Stories can unify or divide but our ability to imagine them is uniquely human. Cooperation and trust, built through shared stories and narratives, are the foundation of human societies and economies. So what happens when humans no longer hold the pen? Yuval Noah Harari is a historian, philosopher, and author of several books on human evolution, inc…
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With all the instability within the Middle East and North Africa region of late, Egypt has nonetheless managed to reign in soaring inflation and win its largest-ever foreign investment. Egypt’s efforts to restore macroeconomic stability in recent years have led to an arrangement under the IMF’s Extended Fund Facility for Egypt, which makes availabl…
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Une petite semaine Shamelessplug POLAR Conference - 10 octobre Hackfest 2024 - 10-11-12 Oct - 16 bit edition Hackfest Swag Join Hackfest/La French Connection Discord Join Hackfest us on Mastodon Sujet d’opinion La censure au Royaume-Uni ! Irresponsible disclosure La Ville Lac-Mégantic dépense plus de $146K suite à la cyberattaque, mais…DKIM pas act…
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Le côté sombre de l’enseignement de la cybersécurité à l’université Shamelessplug POLAR Conference - 10 octobre Hackfest 2024 - 10-11-12 Oct - 16 bit edition Hackfest Swag Join Hackfest/La French Connection Discord Join Hackfest us on Mastodon Sujet d’opinion La qualité de l’enseignement des cours de cybersécurité à l’université La qualité des prof…
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Working from home was not an option for most people before March 11, 2020, when work and home life suddenly collided. The pandemic upended many aspects of doing business, but the daily commute is one routine that seems unlikely to return to what it was. Nicholas Bloom was studying the potential impact of remote work long before the pandemic launche…
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